Category: lingerie

Hello there, fellow Swimwear and Lingerie lovers.

Now, who among us hasn’t tried to hang a picture while clad only in our bra and panties and robe? Come on now, don’t be shy.. you know you totally have too!

The only part of this ensemble that I’m questioning is the Stockings and kitten heels…



Happy HEALTHY Cleavage Day!

Ummm, there you have it everyone, Wonderbra cleavage! Now you can own the world!

Ummm, there you have it everyone, Wonderbra cleavage! Now you can own the world!

Hi Swimwear and Lingerie lovers!

Happy Friday everyone 🙂 It’s a super happy day, because it isn’t just Friday, it’s National Cleavage Day!!

Seriously! I couldn’t make this up if I tried.

Cross my heart I won't tell a lie!

Cross my heart I won't tell a lie!

Well, yah, I totally could, I do have an iota of imagination, but all the same, I swear this is legit!

Sheesh, people can be sooo literal some times...

Sheesh, people can be sooo literal some times...

Direct from our friends over at Wikipedia, here’s the official explanation: According to Samantha Paterson, the brand manager for Wonderbra, the National Cleavage Day is started according to a design to solemnise women’s independence and power in all facets of life, from their careers to their relationships to their own destiny.
{really? Solemnise? I’m thinking not really true considering the rest of their speal}

Wonderbra: Cleavage and Heteronormative mass marketing= apparent success!

Wonderbra: Cleavage and Heteronormative mass marketing= apparent success!

Anita Meiring, public relations consultant for Wonderbra, explained the event. “It is a day for women to realise that their cleavage is something unique and that they should be proud of it.”

I'm really not digging the message behind this campaign

I'm really not digging the message behind this campaign

Paterson explained “It gives women a chance to be beautiful and glow in the furtive, yet appreciative, glances their cleavage evokes from men”.

{WOW, this isn’t a hetero-normative statement at all!!!! Sheesh people, crawl out of the ’50’s and realize that positioning everything from a hetero point of view is completely outdated and damaging! Did I mention creepy? I really want to emphasize the creepy factor here!}

Sooooo creepy no matter how they phrase it.

Sooooo creepy no matter how they phrase it.

She also explained “It gives men a legitimate reason to stare at boobs.”

{I don’t even know what to say about this… I just… yup, no words… well, none that I can comfortably share on a public blog anyway…}

Newton was wrong... get it?

Newton was wrong... get it?

Paterson said that the day is intended to be lighthearted amusement;

Bait and switch in action...

Bait and switch in action...

However, she claimed that the gross revenue will be donated to the Sunflower Fund, a non-governmental and non-profit organisation based in Cape Town with a stated aim to help South African citizens diagnosed with leukaemia and other life-threatening blood diseases. In the wake of the celebration in 2007, Paterson said “We will be donating money for every bra that gets sold in March. We will donate money to the Sunflower fund.

Booby bag... ick, I keep thinking of Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs and how he would accessorize his skin suit... shudder!

Booby bag... ick, I keep thinking of Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs and how he would accessorize his skin suit... shudder!

{Okay, it’s great that there is a philanthropic part to all of this, but why just one day a year? Why not a significant donation of year round profits to really make a statement on the issue?}

Who the heck are they advertising to?

Who the heck are they advertising to?

We are having big parties, we have special National Cleavage Day cocktails that have been created and for every cocktail bought R2 will be donated to the sunflower fund.”

Apparently they aren't the only ones to make the profitable connection between boobies and booze!

Apparently they aren't the only ones to make the profitable connection between boobies and booze!

So, we can all thank Wonderbra and Cosmopolitan Magazine for this little holiday.

...picture me slow clapping while shaking my head.

...picture me slow clapping while shaking my head.

You may be wondering why I popped the word “healthy” into my title.

I could have played it safe and just gone along with all the fun hype, streamers and confetti and laughed along with the crowd, but truly I think there is some serious work that needs to be done around the term cleavage.

Ha, get it... the font is representative of cleavage! I rather like this one actually.

Ha, get it... the font is representative of cleavage! I rather like this one actually.

Cleavage brings to mind {“huge tracks of land” hee hee, that’s a Monty Python reference from The Holy Grail!} women with breasts hiked up and smooshed together in bras that are generally several sizes too small.

But, that isn’t really how cleavage should be defined. According to the dictionary:

cleav·age/ˈklēvij/Noun: 1.A sharp division; a split.
2.The hollow between a woman’s breasts when supported, esp. as exposed by a low-cut garment.
Synonyms: split – fission – cleft – splitting

nothing lecherous about this at all... nope

nothing lecherous about this at all... nope

So it really isn’t about creating lasting tissue damage through ill fitting support garments, it refers specifically to the separation of the breasts when properly supported.

You will now believe our marketing hype... you will now believe our marketing hype..

You will now believe our marketing hype... you will now believe our marketing hype..

It’s rather funny that the modern interpretation is more about removing any hollow area and squishing them together isn’t it?




Hello Swimwear and Lingerie lovers.

Don’t you just love images of warmth and sunshine when you’re stuck right in the middle of a miserable week?

Yah, me too.

But please make an exception for this lovely beach beauty. She’s fabulous isn’t she? I’m totally digging her high waisted swimsuit and those super clunky sandals.



Lingerie Wishes and Dreams

Happy Monday Swimwear and Lingerie fiends!

Today’s topic is all about what could/ should be.

If wishes were kisses I'd have even more lingerie... wait, does that make sense?

If wishes were kisses I'd have even more lingerie... wait, does that make sense?

For example, I used to always want to have red hair {bit of an Anne of Green Gables fanatic back in the day}.

Red hair..sigh, a bottle never gave me that colour!

Red hair..sigh, a bottle never gave me that colour!

I would wash my hair with strawberries {no discernible change thank you very much Angie Everhart you collosal liar!},

Angie Everhart: She credited her locks to strawberries... and genetics... I had one of the two available, so I mushed entire fields of strawberries into my head.

Angie Everhart: She credited her locks to strawberries... and genetics... I had one of the two available, so I mushed entire fields of strawberries into my head.

henna {helllo pylon orange! Always a sexy color and one that doesn’t discriminate between hair, scalp, neck, back, forehead, ears… you get the idea}

Not me, but not a bad likeness either!

Not me, but not a bad likeness either!

and those colouring shampoos… Halsa, I think they were called? Yah, they did less than nothing.

Beware the lies!

Beware the lies!

Sadly, they just played with my willingness to be duped and then tromped all over my ginger dreams.

Aren't ya glad I got over it?

Aren't ya glad I got over it?

But I’ve always been enamored with red hair, regardless of my inability to grow it.

To that end, I’ve dyed it repeatedly, only to find out that maintaining a head full of hair that is very different from your natural shade, is both time consuming and expensive.

When the roots are visible you can tell it's not natural... although, it may be obvious no matter what sometimes!

When the roots are visible you can tell it's not natural... although, it may be obvious no matter what sometimes!

So, basically I pine from afar. I do the same thing with lingerie.

She's looking wistfully at a Fredericks of Hollywood and wishing she had been born into another century.

She's looking wistfully at a Fredericks of Hollywood and wishing she had been born into another century.

There are certain types of lingerie that I adore, but I do realize that they just don’t work with my body type or even come in my bust size.

For example, I love the way that bralets and panty sets look.

Sigh... so pretty.

Sigh... so pretty.

A sweet soft triangle bralet or bandeau bralet. They just look so pretty and cute. But they most certainly don’t come in a 38 GG and if they did, I imagine they would require a whole lotta bungee cords to keep the back part of the band down and the boobs up.

Elle and Cee Soft Cup Bra in Damask Rose... want

Elle and Cee Soft Cup Bra in Damask Rose...want

Another one is ANYTHING with spaghetti straps. GG cups do not lend themselves to delicate dental floss type straps.

Between The Sheets Airplay Baby Doll

Between The Sheets Airplay Baby Doll

Basically, my shoulders would look like a tied sausage link if I tried to wear something with spaghetti straps {believe me, it’s true…. I’ve tried. Repeatedly. Actually, my willingness to re-attempt failed previous attempts is almost legendary and awe-inspiring}.

Not a very appealing look at all!

Not a very appealing look at all!

I have yet to find anything in an empire waist that works with my figure or comes in my size. I think it’s pretty safe to say that the majority of my lingerie wishes are basically the grass is greener mentality of those without huge bazongas.

Ahhh, but is it really????

Ahhh, but is it really????

Which is rather strange when you think about it. Because I try to be body positive and really promote acceptance of your natural body type and shape and not play into or over emphasize anything that our society is currently pushing as the ideal.

Boooo, why ya gotta be like that?

Boooo, why ya gotta be like that?

{Bad Maggie! Bad, bad, bad!}

Hold on now… easy there! I’m also human and who hasn’t wanted to change one or two things now and then. Heck I even wanted a lower rib removed, so I could have a more defined waist… Seriously, I really did. I thought that would make my figure more like the Victorial Secrets ladies…

That would be quite a price to pay for supposed beauty wouldn't it?

That would be quite a price to pay for supposed beauty wouldn't it?

{because THAT was all that was holding me back! That pesky rib… not my puny, diminutive height, inability to smile at a camera without making a dorky face or unwillingness to not get a tattoo that would be visible in scanty types of lingerie}

Megan Fox has visible tattoos!

Megan Fox has visible tattoos!

Don’t worry, I realized how stupid that was fairly quickly. After all, protecting your essential inner organs is a kinda important function of that rib cage and it’s served me well all these years.

But I started to think that perhaps I can’t get those styles in my size because they aren’t being made, because designers just don’t realize that curvy girls like to look delicate now and then too!

Fluvia Lacerda wants it too!

Fluvia Lacerda wants it too!

So I thought I would start us off with my list of Lingerie Wishes and that you guys could join in too.

Never hurts to put it out there and let all those wickedly fabulous lingerie designers try their hands at making something that could work with my larger bust size and still be comfortable and give off that same ethereal quality I really crave!

Hopeless Lingerie: want in my size and to actually stay put on my frame!

Hopeless Lingerie: want in my size and to actually stay put on my frame!

It could work for you too! So, let me know, what have you always wished you could wear and why can’t/don’t you?

What would you like to see someday as the answer to your lingerie dreams?

Don't make me pull out the Uber-Creepy Lingerie Fairy to pry it out of you!

Don't make me pull out the Uber-Creepy Lingerie Fairy to pry it out of you!

Don’t waste your time wishing on a star, speak up and be heard and maybe, just maybe our dreams will come true.

Ick, that was waaaay tooo Disney for me! Scratch that fluff. Speak up because well behaved women never made history!

What did YOU think she was wearing under that little dress?

What did YOU think she was wearing under that little dress?



Hello, hello, hellllloooooo Lovely Swimwear and Lingerie type-people.

Well, it was a struggle, but we made it! It’s Friday!

For today’s Free For All Friday post, I think we should take a little gander at the behind the scenes lingerie video of Spring Summer 2012 Collection from Ayten Gasson.

Ayten creates exquisite silk lingerie with a retro sensability and couture details. I own a few pieces of her work and have to say that I’m always impressed with the look and feel of it. These are lingerie staples that I consider to be a must-have for everyone.

Rebecca Bralet from Ayten Gasson

Rebecca Bralet from Ayten Gasson

The Spring/Summer 2012 Collection is described by her here: A sweet new style for SS12 by Ayten Gasson

The ever-evolving designer lingerie label, Ayten Gasson introduces sugar & spice and all things nice for SS12 with her new collection of pretty pastel lingerie and nightwear pieces inspired by vintage penny sweets.

Lara Lemon Bralet from Ayten Gasson

Lara Lemon Bralet from Ayten Gasson

Sherbet lemons and limes are mixed with vintage English lace to create playful silk sets, while silk georgette is used to create stunning liquorice-inspired bodysuits with a contemporary feel. The new stretch bodysuits will appeal to a younger audience who embrace the ‘lingerie as outerwear’ look that never seems to be off-trend.

Peace Silk Cami from Ayten Gasson

Peace Silk Cami from Ayten Gasson

Introducing not only new shapes to the latest collection, but new fabrics from UK suppliers, the brand continues its commitment to produce a quintessentially British product. All the ranges within the collection have been influenced by the favourite childhood sweets of her north London studio collective, including Ayten’s assistant Sarah Graham.

The innovative collection includes: Rebecca, Lara, Natalie, Lucky and, of course, Sarah. The full range of pulse-quickening pieces for SS12 features bodysuits, high-waisted knickers, teddies, nightdresses, soft bras and knicker sets – all produced with beautiful English lace, often hand-crafted vintage trims which are used to embellish the stunning silk silhouettes.

Sarah Silk Teddy by Ayten Gasson

Sarah Silk Teddy by Ayten Gasson

The designer has also expanded her limited edition range of organic silk pieces this season. A stunning bridal collection of soft bras, high-waisted knickers and strapless bodysuits has an additional twist of combining vintage lace with organic silk satin.

Traditionalists will savour the best vintage lace trims which have been sourced from the old lace mills in Nottingham to highlight the incredible skills which the area was once famous for. Playful types will love the peek-a-boo cut-outs and lace backed knicker. The romantics will enjoy the feel of the finest luxury silks, and the eco-conscious will welcome the organic silk bridal range.

Rebecca Bodysuit By Ayten Gasson

Rebecca Bodysuit By Ayten Gasson



Psst. Her Sale Page is also pretty awesome… just saying.

Hello Swimwear and Lingerie buddies.

How’s everyone doing today? I guarantee you will love this Pin Up Wednesday post! How can I be so sure? Well, it isn’t hard when she’s wearing such elegant lingerie and is drawn so beautifully!

The only thing I’m not jiving with is her trout pout. The look on her face and her puckered lips, look a little too contrived for Elvgren’s usual pinup facial expressions.

Generally speaking, he usually has the lady conveying a fairly easy to discern thought, this time however, it isn’t quite as obivous.

What we caught her trying on a gift? The gift is too small and she’s embarassed that it doesn’t fit?

I dunno… Throw in some really tacky blonde highlights, straighten out her bouncy curls to liquid flatness, blast her with about ten applications of self tanner and we have a pretty contemporary look that could be found on any Facebook profile!



Retro Thermal Undies Ad

Happy Tuesday Swimwear and Lingerie friends.

For Today’s Totally Retro Tuesday post, I present for your viewing pleasure, a retro thermal underwear ad.

Yes, I do realize it is unseasonably warm and pretty much Summer out there, without even going through Spring yet. But, we were talking about Old Man Winter yesterday and I figured this was a nice flow.


FINE! How about this… I’m presenting it to you, as a reminder of the crap you DON’T have to wear, now that it’s so lovely and Summer-like outside.

Sheesh, tough crowd!

Pretty awesome ad right?

Much like Cheez Whiz, if you don’t spell it right, you don’t have to be honest about what it can do and what it is made of… therefore the miracle that is the Indera Figurfit (Coldpruf)Knit Slips can do anything the company likes! When it’s “coldpruf” you know it must be good 🙂

Mmmmm, edible oil products.

Mmmmm, edible oil products.

I like the Figurfit and STA-UP Straps parts too.

I’m not entirely sure what “crawling of skirt” actually means, but having watched the season finale of “Walking Dead… I’m pretty sure I don’t want it happening to me!

Is this what the slip could prevent or is it something else. Inquiring minds and creeped out me want to know!

Is this what the slip could prevent or is it something else. Inquiring minds and creeped out me want to know!

{Quick aside… How awesome was that episode by the way and how profoundly disappointing too! Can’t believe I have to wait for the next season… they’re lucky Game of Thrones starts up ruddy soon or I might have had to start watching some actual schlock on tv}

Either way, a truly revolutionary product!



Seasonal Lingerie?

Fleur T 2009 Powder Puff Collection... So Pretty!

Fleur T 2009 Powder Puff Collection... So Pretty!

Happy Monday Swimwear and Lingerie friends!

Did you all have a lovely weekend? I did!

FYI, This isn't me, although I would totally have done this, if I wasn't already pooper scooping the entire backyard, which is obviously waaay more glamorous!

FYI, This isn't me, although I would totally have done this, if I wasn't already pooper scooping the entire backyard, which is obviously waaay more glamorous!

The weather has been absolutely, ridiculously amazing for March here in Ontario. I’ve even gone so far as to haul out my Summer wardrobe at the same time as my Spring wardrobe.

Riiight, I'm obvs not this meticulous, nor as happily occupied when it comes to switching out the seasonal clothes! But I aspire to be this non-burney with an iron someday!

Riiight, I'm obvs not this meticulous, nor as happily occupied when it comes to switching out the seasonal clothes! But I aspire to be this non-burney with an iron someday!

{‘though, to be honest… I have an immense impending sense of doom that we’re all being lulled into a false sense of security and then the Old man Winter is going to smack us all upside the flip flops with a serious gale just for celebrating too soon!}

He's a vindictive old so and so, isn't he?

He's a vindictive old so and so, isn't he?

My walk in closet is a complete shambles and my room is strewn with clothing for every single possible weather scenario. It looks like a mini twister zipped through and pillaged my bedroom.

Okay, just picture the exact opposite of this!

Okay, just picture the exact opposite of this!

{actually it looks like that on a good day, now, it’s just more so…}

Snerk... I think I want this as a tattoo!

Snerk... I think I want this as a tattoo!

In order to procrastinate and avoid trying to organize the chaos that is my living situation, I got to thinking about how a good chunk of my wardrobe choices were seasonal lingerie and wondering if anyone else has seasonal lingerie?

Ummm... yah, well whatever turns your crank, but I meant seasonal lingerie in a lingerie sense... not fetishwear... don't ya wish you could stop asking all those questions in your head?

Ummm... yah, well whatever turns your crank, but I meant seasonal lingerie in a lingerie sense... not fetishwear... don't ya wish you could stop asking all those questions in your head?

Well do you? To be clear, I don’t mean thermal undies, because that’s pretty darn obvious that it’s meant for super cold weather.

I like to wear my thermal undies with a cape for that awesome super hero effect! I also say Kaazammm! alot.

I like to wear my thermal undies with a cape for that awesome super hero effect! I also say Kaazammm! alot.

Nah, I’m thinking about your pjs and nighties, stockings and all that sort of thing.

When it’s hot out, I tend to haul out my shapewear way more often. I guess because I can hide the bulges under baggy sweaters in the Winter. But in the Summer, it’s all out there. Is that weird that I wear more layers in the Summer than in the Winter?

True Dat!

True Dat!

I also refuse to wear anything resembling pantyhose or tights. If I have to, I’ll wear thigh highs or stockings but definitely NO all in one type of gear!

Not even my prim and proper granny can guilt me into wearing a pair for "propriety's sake"!

Not even my prim and proper granny can guilt me into wearing a pair for "propriety's sake"!

I generally pack away all my chemises and longer gowns, leaving out only the babydolls and cami and shorts combos.

Ayten Gasson Summer 2012, Natalie Silk Camisole

Ayten Gasson Summer 2012, Natalie Silk Camisole

I hate to be too warm when I sleep, so the pj pants get thrown in the closet along with any long sleeved night shirt of any kind. But this seasonal clearout also affects my day to day wear.

My full briefs keep my thermal undies company for a few months, and when it comes to bras, anything with any bit of padding get’s tossed aside until cooler winds prevail.

Summertime= as little coverage as possible!

Quick side note: How adorable is this La Lilouche outfit? I adore it, especially, the sunny yellow!

Quick side note: How adorable is this La Lilouche outfit? I adore it, especially, the sunny yellow!

However, until things settle down, weather-wise, I can’t put either type of lingerie away. What a shame… surrounded by heaps of silk and lace. It’s a hard life folks, but someone has to do it!



Be Weird: All the cool kids are!

Be Weird: All the cool kids are!

Hello Swimwear and Lingerie fiends.

I don’t have anything more to say about this Pin Up than, WOWZA!

Seriously, the hair, swimsuit, pose, body, gratuitous flower corsage on wrist… it’s all good!



Let's all dance and frolic about the Maypole even though it's only March!

Let's all dance and frolic about the Maypole even though it's only March!

Happy Tuesday my dearest darling Swimwear and Lingerie lovelies!

Spring is totally in the air and I couldn’t be happier. The weather is warm, my curly hair is big and wind blown and my wooley stockings are overly sweatey. Life is pretty darn sweet!

Mirthful Yaks are the best. Bet you never would have believed I could work Yaks into a lingerie and swimwear blog, huh?

Mirthful Yaks are the best. Bet you never would have believed I could work Yaks into a lingerie and swimwear blog, huh?

Why am I so pleased if I’m looking like an overheated Yak with a fright wig?

Because, I can always plop a hat on the scary-hair and strip off the sweaty stockings {and blind the world with my lily-white legs}, but I can’t make the weather warm… so there you have it, silver lining, bright side and all that crap!

So, don’t judge when you see me skipping down the sidewalk and whistling.

I’m just happy to be out of hibernation without going all Jack Nicholson-Shining-ish on anybody.

Hibernation Frolic-ing: How the heck do they keep their hair so nice though?

Hibernation Frolic-ing: How the heck do they keep their hair so nice though?

…and we’re back on track.

So today’s Totally Retro Tuesday post is care of the lovely folks at Luxite: Makers of holeproof underthings and sleepwear. {snerk}

Darn it! I was trying to hold that in. Sorry folks, that was a little unprofessional of me {unlike the Yak segue}, I was trying to get through the initial introduction before I gave into the need to breathe and chortle.

But, in all fairness that is a DOOZY of an advertising tag line now isn’t it? Okay, I’m going to let you check out this lovely little vintage lingerie ad on your own time, and then we can speak about like adults.

{adults that know the shame and horror of holey underthings and sleepweear… bwa haa haa haa}

Right, there you have it! Luxite: Amazeballs underthings that resist holey-ness.

Were holes really that huge an issue back then?

Holey Swimwear Batman!

Holey Swimwear Batman!

Were they not concerned about dirt, strains, shrinkage, flammability, choking hazards, synthetic fiber allergies, breatheability of textiles, color matching trendy bedroom furniture, having the days of the week printed on them for day planning or cross-selling by partnering with a completely unrelated product to bolster sales and steal the other product’s customer base?

It may become the colour of dirt, but it won't have ANY holes!

It may become the colour of dirt, but it won't have ANY holes!

There’s lots of things to promote about “underthings” why just their resistance to holes?

Genius marketing idea, because clearly they can’t sell us based on the lovely designs. I’ve seen tarps draped over steaming piles of manure that were prettier than these nighties and sleep-type-thingies. {cringe, they totally look like the kind of thing I would expect Edith Bunker to wear}

Edith Bunker in lingerie = insert shudder here

Edith Bunker in lingerie = insert shudder here

I know it’s supposed to sound like it’s the coolest and newest technology and all that but when I hear Luxite, it translates directly into Ludite.

Which would be rather contrary to the idea they’re trying to put out there.

I really don’t have anything against this advertisment at all. Seriously, it’s just the name of the brand that keeps me giggling. {like a yak}

Ah well, what can you do with undies like that, other than push the fact that they will survive the nuclear holocaust?

